Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kisses, but not from you.

So anyway, the first weeks of my stay in Australia was mostly spent in Coff’s Harbour. And since it was just pushing autumn, the weather was mostly pleasant and we got a chance to do some touristy things around.

First of all, I’d like to state that I was kissed by not only humans but a dolphin and a sealion as well. It was quite an experience but the boyf’s got the gist of how to give me dolphin kisses now and I’m loving it. Grin.

That’s the boyf with Anna, his half-sister. She’s about the cutest doll you’ve ever seen. You’ve never seen so much love (& hate) a sister has for her brother.


We went to the Pet Purpoise Pool, (the don’t really have purpoise though). But they sure have cockatoos. Now, if you’ve ever watched “Mind Your Language”, a British comedy in the 80’s, I think, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Because Giovanni and Max thought it was called a Cockathree, and it was soooo funny.


 DSCN4277DSCN4281That dolphin kiss was amazing!! It’s amazing what you can train them to do.

DSCN4290Then we got to feed the sealions. A little bit more than scary.. But about this kiss from the sealion, now, I have to admit now that I was a little bit apprehensive about it but hey, if kids are okay with it, why should I be scared. I mean, this sealion’s a professional. Grin. And that experience was ticklish. His whiskers were very ticklish. But oh.. DSCN4283

So there! Betcha wish you got them kisses too, hey?.. Grin.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Warragul- that's why I haven't blogged.

Admittedly, I am not a fully-pledged blogger because I haven't been updating my blog. 
Fortunately, I have a valid reason.. I'm in Warragul, which is about 100 km south-east to Melbourne.
Needless to say, internet connection is.. a problem. 

Can't get to connect online as often as I'd like and even those with the wireless broadband thumbdrive-looking thingamajig cannot connect to the internet. So.. it is quite a sticky situation. Especially since I am one of those who needs to go online everyday just for the sake of it.

Anyway, you might want to know what am I doing here. 

The boyf's got some placement thingamabob going on these couple of weeks and I needed some peace and quiet anyway, so I decided to tag along.. bringing with me tons of books and journals to read. And this awesomely good book I cannot put down- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. The only reason I'm reading a few pages at a time is so that I don't finish it before the end of our trip. Ahhh. 

So there, the story of my life.

