Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve !!

It's New Year's Eve ! Woohoo!!

Have you all written out all your resolutions for the new year in a list?
Mine's gonna be a LOOONG one!

Had a talk with the Momsie yesterday, and it felt like she just gave me the green light to grow up and fight for my dreams. Time to put all unnecessary thoughts and worries away. Time to leave the past behind.

To be honest, I had a good year, nothing great, no where close to fantastic.
Many things have happened, the good and bad ones too.. But mostly bad.
Hence, I'd like to say that it was a lousy year for me, but I'm way to grateful that I'm not sleeping on the streets to complain about how bad my year went.

So, just before today I've been packing up all my old things and throwing the ones I don't want out and giving those that I don't need away. Clothes, toys, decorations, etc.. I'm not a big fan of hoarding. At least I try anyway..

Meanwhile, I've also been making plans for a better year ahead. But I can't say it out loud yet. I may jinx it.

They always say that your life will turn out the way you make it (Western). Maybe I'll just sit here and wait for the opportunity to come (Eastern). But how does it happen when opportunities doesn't come your way?.. I have all this big plans for my future, fulfill my dreams, how I'd like to be able to help the helpless.. It's not really my call right now because well, I'm pretty much stuck at this very position until the opportunity arises. I'm sick and tired of waiting.

(You see my conflict here !!? I've always been having these messed up thoughts- Eastern culture + Western influence- and now that I'm seeing a completely and utterly ridiculous Western man by name, whom by blood is still an Eastern, btw, I'm being influenced to go against everything my culture can accept and fighting for my dreams the unconventional way!)


So, come 2010, I'm making my own plans. No more planning around the unpredictable future. I'm MAKING it happen. And if it doesn't work out, I have nothing to regret because it's way better than sitting down here waiting for it to happen. I'm sure I'll have more to regret if I don't MAKE this opportunity for myself.

No more waiting.

It's gonna be a good year. I can feel it. I'll make it a good one.

Have a great day peeps, after all, it is the last day of the year !

Goodbye 2009 !!


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